#Validating attributes passed to a script running in the browser

We use <script /> tags to inject JavaScript code that runs on the browser. In some cases, we need to externally pass data to a script when it is being initialised and executed. Here's how to pass data and then validate it inside the script.

#A/B Testing Example

Imagine you have a script called ab-testing.js that is responsible for enabling one of two feature correlated flows within your application. We can expect a data- attribute which will determine which feature to show. For example:

<script src="./ab-testing.js" data-variant="a"></script>

It is now important that any client consuming your script passes the data-variant exactly either a or b. So within the entry-point of your script, you can validate that.

function getFeatureVariantOrThrow() {
  const script = document.currentScript
  const variant = script?.getAttribute("data-variant")
  if (!variant) {
    throw new Error("Please pass a data-variant attribute to the script tag")
  if (["a", "b"].includes(variant)) {
    return variant
  throw new Error(
    'Invalid value for data-variant. Please pass either "a" or "b"'
const variant = getFeatureVariantOrThrow()

With this, any application that uses your script in their <head /> will need to provide the correct data-variant as well. If not, they'll see an error in the browser console:

Browser Error
Browser displaying the error that our script throws


In this short article, we discussed a very specific use case of passing data- attributes to scripts and then validating them within the script.

Osama Akhtar
Software Engineer

Written on Jun 20, 2024